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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 20, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Impervetica becomes the 3rd memberstate of the ABUC! [Allied Benevolent Universal Coalition]

MJV_2 emoji WORLD : TikTok is now unbanned in United States of America.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by Why am I a fairy on Feb 23, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Napstamelon has left most of the Greater VW community except staying in RGF due to the state of the community being horrible.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The ཎ𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐂ན has declared war on Rayez and her community. This was a planned operation for days.

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : StillChillea becomes the 4th ཎ𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐂ན memberstate.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Logy's ties with Mijovo was severed due to Mijovo hating dandy's world, FPE and sprunki. Logy calls out Mijovo for being an opinion basher for putting the "kys" reaction on her server.


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg Wygelia and Aldi Empire.

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Written by Why am I a fairy on Feb 19, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Sagittaria has left Triorder since the server became active so Sagx has abandoned the server.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Aziz has signed an Excecutive order. Triorder Federation has rejoined SSY


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg Wygelia and Aldi Empire.

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Written by 5 / Capital account on Feb 19, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder People's alliance has officially left Triorder federation, it is now an independent server owned by Kedamono/Dude replacing it into Aldi empire. Triorder's collapse has started.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Aziz hassan has officially inagurated as the 2nd president of Triorder federation.


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by Why am I a fairy on Feb 18, 2025



MJV_1 emoji OTHER : After years of unwavering leadership, RossoTX has officially stepped down and entered retirement of the SBTC. With this transition, we officially welcome nathanplays as the new Emperor of the SBTC.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Joca121, Camram, and Haps have left the community.

MJV_3 emoji WORLD : There has been a plane crash in Toronto airport Canada.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : SSY elections were cancelled by Aziz Hassan due to drama and toxicity. Instead Unnecessary Albanian becomes the president.

MJV_5 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Vizterel has officially quitted the community and discord app due to his drama with Antares. Apparently Antares claims that Vizterel has been harassing Chromium and Xhayas.

MJV_6 emoji SOCIAL MEDIA : Dreamybull has retired


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by Why am I a fairy on Feb 15, 2025



MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Antares is targetting Vizterel for allegedly attacking Chromium and Xhayas.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Mijovo_Games main channel has reached over 4,000 subscribers!


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by Why am I a fairy on Feb 15, 2025



MJV_1 emoji MJV_NewCOA emojiGREATER VW COMMUNITY : In Triorder Federation, Vizterel was demoted from his presidency for constantly being annoying towards Mijovo and Camram. The context is Vizterel has been trolling Mijovo and Camram which they did the same but since Myth got untimeouted by Vizterel, vizterel himself got demoted by Mijovo. Then Vizterel left all servers in Triorder thinking Mijovo hated him for his behavior. Antares takes it as an advantage sending an ultimatum for really making mijovo furious, but mijovo tells antares to not attack vizterel. However myth blames it on Xhayas for notoriously hating Vizterel, while Xhayas and Antares are dating. In the meantime Aziz is now the Acting president of Triorder Federation. But due to this turn of events Vizterel considers leaving the GVWC due to the creator hating him, although he'd stay in SSY.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Due to Camram being constantly harassed he says he will leave the community in between 3-2 days.


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by I have Dyno blocked on Feb 12, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Antares and Flourish were reported by Sagittarius_X, however, myth was at risk and antares was unaffected, flourish also was at risk, leading to myth suspecting sagx of reporting him and she becomes his absolute puppet with no autonomy, and leading many wanting to annihilate Sagittarius_X. This is called the "Rape Flourish" incident of February 12th.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Haps and Camram plan on leaving the community

MJV_3 emoji MJV_NewCOA emojiGREATER VW COMMUNITY : Aziz hassan, the vice president of Triorder federation has signed an order to kick out every member of the Triorder skibidi party out of office except Epik_evv and Agorahills. Making Epik_evv as [acting] president and Agorahills as [acting] Vice president of Mijovia.


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by I have Dyno blocked on Feb 11, 2025



MJV_1 emoji LARPERCORE : There has been a discord massive ban wave happening across the larpercore community for "child safety". Alot of people from that community have been recently getting suspended, disabled, rate limited or punished any way by discords retarded moderation.


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 9, 2025



MJV_1 emoji MJV_TriorderCOA emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder has announced that Aziz Hassan and The Imperial-fascist party has won the February 2025 elections with 128 votes and all of the 12 servers! While Unite the right is at 2nd place with 64 votes and no claimed states which same goes for the Skibidi party with only 4 votes. Aziz hassan will become the 2nd president of Triorder federation, Inaguration will occur at 19 February 2025. Thank you for voting!


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 8, 2025
Farewell Wygel, thank you for everything.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 8, 2025



MJV_4 emoji MJV_TriorderCOA emojiGREATER VW COMMUNITY : First Last / Wygel100 has left the Greater VW community due to controversy arround him. Earlier there was a conversation criticising about his hypocrisy calling Wygel the one that erases degeneracy despite himself being the degenerate. For example he has dated a degenerate Maiko, and people dont like his views about wanting to ban anyone who supports Palestine. This shows that nobody appreciates Wygel and his moves making him want to quit the community, calling them also Nazis. However, Wygel stays on some servers especially Filipburg for MGVW. Triorder Unite the right's ownership is now handed over to Xhayas, making her the leader of the party. Wygelia is also ownership handed to Antarea making Wygelia a Nova Antarean server.

MJV_5 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : There has been some potential conflicts going on with Antares + Xhayas and Myth + Aziz + Vizterel. Earlier in Boudroholm in Triorder Federation, people were absolutely trolling Xhayas which made Xhayas want to leave the community over jokes. Aziz was also trolling Antares which made Antares angry and make an Anti Aziz group chat. However this situation is being resolved by Mijovo, making this as first act of the ABUC.

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 8, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Wygelia leaves SSY.

MJV_2 emoji MJV_TriorderCOA emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder federation is having elections! In this elections we got Triorder Imperial-Fascist, Triorder Unite the right, and Triorder Skibidi party. The election ends tomorrow at arround 10 AM UTC 1+.

MJV_3 emoji MJV_TriorderCOA emojiGREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Sagittaria ruled by Sagittarius_X has been released yesterday, becoming the 6th superstate of Triorder federation.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 6, 2025
For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Triorder Sagittaria, Triorder Icoland, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout, Logy's server zone, Dustinburg and Wygelia.

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 6, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Myth and Antares have potentially peaced. But there are some claims that Antares is still Islamophobic

MJV_2 emoji MJV_TriorderCOA emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Since Vizterel disbanded the Triorder diddy party and joined the Triorder imperial fascist party, allowing them to be in charge for the rest of the term, the Imperial fascist party inagurates for the federation. Vizterel is still the president, Aziz vice president, Myth chancellor, Stillchill Prime minister and Unnecessary Albanian State minister. The federational elections is STILL at the 8th of February 2025 so Aziz and the Imperial fascist party STILL needs to win the elections if they want to stay in charge.

MJV_3 emoji MJV_TriorderCOA emojiGREATER VW COMMUNITY : The Triorder Neo Imperialist party has been Inagurated in Triorder Republic of Camramia. Haps president, Sensist vice president, Rayhitta chancellor, Joca121 Prime minister and Demin state minister.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Mijovo leaves SBTC

MJV_5 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Redfong YTBUP/RossoTX leaves VWOT over triorder camramian elections

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 5, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Napstamelon demotes Aziz and Unnecessary Albanian due to them trying to deport Napstamelon, Aziz has went on crashout for a while due to this.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Antares and Myth are now at war, Antares no longer tolerates Islam in Nova Antarea.

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Unite the right party has inagurated as the government of Finutria since Xhayas disbanded Triorder Reform party.

MJV_4 emoji SOCIAL MEDIA : Yesterday at night, there was a short cyber attack which affected cloudflare, discord, roblox and more. The outage lasted for less than 10 minutes.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 4, 2025
For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 4, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : There has been some recent drama going on between Antares and Myth, Myth and Mijovo were trying to save Antares from his desicions while dating Xhayas. For example treating his homies useless compared to Xhayas and surrendering and ruining his social life for Xhayas. [Keep in mind Xhayas never asked for this, shes not responsible for anything what Antares is doing.] Antares decided to accuse Myth of betraying Antares. The conflict between Antares and Myth starts now.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Mijovo has responded the false copyright strike by Joshua garcia/Minotaur with a Counter nofitication which has been approved by YouTube. If Joshua garcia does not do anything about it, the copyright strike may be removed. So therefore Rotat's plan to terminate mijovo's main channel has been backfired.

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The quarter finals for February 2025 Tournament in Nova Antarea has started and we got Myth [disqualified], Mijovo, Camram, Unnecessary Albanian, Demin, Angry Rating Gaming, StillChill, WilliamTheGator, MeowyCats2, and Aziz. The last 4 people who have low amount of votes will be eliminated from the tournament. Quarter finals will last for a week.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Neo-Imperialist party has won the elections in Triorder Republic of Camramia! Inaguration and Summit meeting will begin tomorrow at Wednesday 4 PM UTC 1+


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Written by 2 - Public on Feb 3, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Antares and Xhayas are now in Online Relationship

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : One of Rotat allies Joshua garcia/Minotaur have falsely copyright striked Mijovo's main channel. The video was a capcut template of Indonesia and its past from 2 years ago but it was somehow falsely striked with no original source whatsoever. Mijovo says if the strike does not get removed he might try to sue the person since false copyright striking is illegal.

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Rotats have declared war on Azizia and SSY for their loyality with Triorder federation despite them being neutral.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Camramia are having elections! In this elections we got Neo-Imperialist party and Unite the right party. Vote today in Camramia aslong you're in the server.


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 30, 2025



MJV_1 emojiMJV_1 emoji MJV_NewCOA emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Vizterel and the Triorder diddy party resigns from power in Triorder federation once his term ends.

MJV_1 emojiMJV_2 emoji MJV_NewCOA emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The fate has decided that Catato is banned from joining any political parties until the triorder diddy party term is over and inaguration starts.

MJV_1 emojiMJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Mijovo_Games has finally passed its old subscriber count and now is above it after months.

MJV_1 emojiMJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Political parties for triorder federation members is now set from 4 to 5 since Triorder has a new leader role, "Chancellor".

hahaha pastamelon now i beat you again

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 30, 2025



MJV_9 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Mijovo wins against Catato on semi finals 59-45! Antares also wins Czarek 57-39! Now we have the grand finals, Mijovo VS Antares. If Mijovo wins, he would be the first person to win the second time on monthly tournaments. If Antares wins, he would host a tournament first time ever. Vote now at

MJV_1 emojiMJV_0 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Nova Antarea unbans monthly tournaments meaning Nova Antarea can host tournaments.

10 headlines under a day! MGTVNews new record! MGTVNews becomes the first news station on this community to have 10 headlines under a day.

You can vote for Antares or Mijovo if you want on the tournament, Mijovo is letting Antares win the tournament.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 30, 2025
MJV_7 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Sagittarius_X and Mijovo have peaced

MJV_8 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Federation may change its flag soon

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 30, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW + HOLY XAMANIAN REICH COMMUNITY : Most of the community has declared war on Catato because he faked depression, accused Mijovo of declaring war on HXR, and accused Vienna of threatening to dox him. In response to this SSY and Nova Antarea have declared war on Catato. More of the community is set to follow. The federation of triorder responds with removing Catato from his Vice presidency, there is currently a poll in Boudroholm if Catato should be forgiven or abolished from his term from the federation.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Xhayas and Aziz have peaced

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The president of Triorder Vizterel has blacklisted Maiko from the federation.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder griffin party has rebranded into the Triorder Kokolok Party + Skaut aswell joins replacing Oscar. Aziz plans an seperate Triorder party called Triorder Neo Imperialism party which will be used for regional governments in Triorder.

MJV_5 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : StillChillea may join the ABUC soon as a memberstate.

MJV_6 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Acepogs says that he might leave the Greater VW community soon

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 29, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The semi finals of RGF tournament have started! We got Mijovo VS Catato and Antares VS Czarek aka Czverse. Please vote for Mijovo at and go to

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Sagittaria is joining Triorder federation soon.

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Aziz says that he will deport geotube immigrants back to the geotube community, Xhayas specifically. There may be also a presidental debate between Diddy party, Skibidi party, Imperial fascist party, and Reform party.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 27, 2025
MJV_5 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Aziz hassan and the Triorder Imperial fascist party will probably try to gain political power in Triorder, Aziz has plans for Triorder and the community. Yesterday Aziz and Triorders have decided to officially blacklist Musa from the Federation of Triorder.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 27, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Napstamelon and the Triorder Skibidi party has been inagurated for Triorder Mijovia and their term has started, their term will last till February 27 2025. Napstamelon is President, Epik vice president, Ran prime minister and Czarek State minister.
During the summit meeting, Napstamelon has decided to ban Sagittarius_X/Habiba from Mijovia, the ban may likely to happen soon.
Napstamelon may make some new rules. Lots of more to come soon.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Xhayas has revealed to NOT be from France, she is from Australia. For months or years Xhayas has kept her nationality hidden. This caused since people kept calling her Egyptian, so she decided to get it off from her chest.

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Mijovo_Games wins Round 3 against Napstamelon on the January 2025 tournament at RGF! Next round will be Mijovo_Games VS Catato. Bamber Rating Gaming has been also tied with Antares so ARG has decided to let people choose their fate. Death match, Randomize, or Both wins and don't play.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Angry rating gaming officially subpasses Mijovo_Games main channel.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 25, 2025



MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The elections in Triorder Mijovia has ended and the Triorder Skibidi party wins with 4 servers and 29 votes! Inaguration and summit meeting will occur in this Monday.

MJV_5 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Triorder Citizens in Boudroholm have been being paranoid due to Xhayas apparently trying to toxx the server with false report which gave everyone fear due to discords strict moderation and punishments, making between 5-10 members leave the server. But things have already resolved since the moderators have convinced this has happened before and the server wasn’t taken down.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 25, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Mijovia is having elections today! In this elections we got Bend party, Unificationist party, Griffin party, Skibidi party and Saur transformation party. Elections will end at 9 PM CEST.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Sensist2010 becomes the 2nd person from this community to reach 100K subscribers!

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Round 2 has ended and Mijovo wins 30-29 against Joca121_!

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 23, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Habiba maged fahmy surrenders to Triorder Federation and Mythica, Habiba maged fahmy has became a puppet, and Habibaland will be part of Triorder federation and Mythica.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 22, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : January 2025 Monthly tournament in RGF has started few days ago. Recently Mijovo wins 83% against No name with 17%. 44-9. Round 2 has started and we currently have,
G1 = Joca121_ VS Mijovo
G2 = Vizterel VS Napstamelon
G3 = Logy VS Catato
G4 = Epik_evv VS Imperis/Kedah
G5 = Antares VS Formgazer RG
G6 = Bamber VS CamRam
G7 = Cz VS Lazar
G8 = Salad VS Guyfrommalaysia
Round 2 ends in 2 days from now on.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 20, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Impervetica becomes the 3rd memberstate of the ABUC! [Allied Benevolent Universal Coalition]

MJV_2 emoji WORLD : TikTok is now unbanned in United States of America.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 20, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Impervetica becomes the 3rd memberstate of the ABUC! [Allied Benevolent Universal Coalition]

MJV_2 emoji WORLD : TikTok is now unbanned in United States of America.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 18, 2025



MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The ABUC [Allied Benevolent Universal Coalition] has been officially released.

MJV_4 emoji ROTAT COMMUNITY : Rotats announced that WCA is entering the war against Triorder Federation siding with Rotat.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 18, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW AND ROTAT COMMUNITY : The Federation of Triorder have declared a war on Rotat, NDO, and their allies. Reasoning is for messing with allies of triorders and using "bringing back old mapping" for their influence [they never brought back mapping]. They have been also accusing Xhayas for "grooming" a 12 year old with no proof which is absolutely fxcked up

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Mijovia is having elections soon, we have Bend party and Unificationist Party on the line.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 17, 2025



MJV_1 emoji OTHER : Nintendo has revealed their newest console Nintendo Switch 2.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : David novic reaches 1,000 subscribers!

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder is updating their party system on the federation, minimum is 2 to be eligible on elections and 4 for maximum. Meaning the diddy party is going to have to kick most of their members from their party so that members can organize their parties. This is due to lack of parties in the federation and the federal state of triorder needs leaders for regional states too. The diddy party has 48 hours to resolve the issue. If not, this will be decided by the titans of triorder instead.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Icoland returns to the federation. However IC0C will only stay in Triorder Icoland and will still stay away from the community.

MJV_5 emoji ROTAT COMMUNITY : One of the NDO members have been falsely accusing Xhayas of grooming a 12 year old when they do not have any concrete evidence of it.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 16, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The Triorder Reform Party has won the elections in Triorder Finutria since nobody else applied! Xhayas is now president, Superius is now vice president, Ariota is now prime minister and Vrakedy is now state minister. The term will last till February 16 2025.

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Mijovia is about to have elections in 2 days! However at the time this information is being written, theres nobody applying for the government in Mijovia.

MJV_3 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The enblem for Triorder Federation has been updated! From this MJV_TriorderLogo emoji to this MJV_TriorderCOA emoji.

MJV_4 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : The flag for Flynan and Flynmanland has been updated. :

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 15, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Today marks the 1st year anniversary of Filipburg and the Viewers war community! And this week also marks as the 7th year anniversary of MGTVNews! Thank you for supporting MGTVNews!

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Triorder Finutria is having elections! After that Vizterel decided to whitelist Xhayas from making triorder parties, Xhayas decided to apply for the elections in Finutria.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Mijovia, Triorder Peoples Alliance, Triorder Finutria, Triorder Camramia. Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 14, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Antares has been disabled on discord for no reason. His new tag : Antawes

MJV_2 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : There may be elections in Triorder Finutria soon.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 9, 2025



MJV_1 emoji GREATER VW COMMUNITY : Aziz says that Stage 2 has been finished, raiding community members are purged in SSY Azizia. Stage 3 begins. Aziz starts to uninfluence himself from the raiding community.

MJV_2 emoji WORLD : There are wildfires in California USA!

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 8, 2025



MJV_2 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Few hours ago, Demin surrenders to Aziz abandoning his Bodroum regieme. However Xhayas still goes against Aziz.

MJV_3 emoji WORLD : Donald Trump wants to buy Greenland, however Greenland is owned by Denmark.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 8, 2025



MJV_1 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Aziz has discovered the Bodroum discord server which is also Anti SSY/Aziz server created by Demin by his spies. According to Aziz, Vizterel was accused as a traitor, although he never realized it was a server against SSY and Aziz. However Vizterel withdrawn from this. Few hours later, Demin's bodroum was nuked. Stage 2 starts Aziz says.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, Impervetica, F.R of Momdnineland, Catoria, Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout and Logy's server zone.

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Written by 2 - Public on Jan 7, 2025
For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, IC0C VW, Phase Ultima’s Viewers war, Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation, Federica, F.R of Momdnineland, Shoebill Syndicacy, Catato's workshop, Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout

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Written by 2 - Public [read bio] on Jan 7, 2025



MJV_1 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : After SSY allying with the 4th brigade it has been confirmed by Mijovo that SSY has betrayed the community, SSY becomes influenced by the klan/raiding community. Due to this Aziz is leaving the community, same goes with IC0C.

MJV_2 emoji VIEWERS WAR/EARFERANA COMMUNITY : At 2 AM [UTC 1+] The Federation of Triorder has been raided nationwide! The Co titan of Triorder, MeowyCats2’s bots were hacked leading to estimated from 500 to 1000 pings. Defcon is currently set to red. However, Servers such as Gethings City, Lorenbole, Algegrade, T.P.A, Vogersberg and especially the Verification island were not affected. This has not only happened with Triorder, it has also happened with the Earferana Chronicles server. Some people have temporarily left Triorder especially Boudroholm aslong the issue gets actually fixed. As a result, Meowys bots were kicked and the webhooks were erased until a further a notice. According to the Co titan of triorder MeowyCats2, EarferanaSync had its webhooks hacked from the old Replit page and the old commits where it wasn't secure yet and is now nuking every server it's in. Please note that modern versions of the bot are secure as the attackers haven't gained access to the newer webhooks.

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Written by 2 - Public [read bio] on Jan 1, 2025



MJV_1 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Triorder Federation withdraws from Shoebill Syndicacy. MJV_TriorderLeftFlag emojiMJV_TriorderRightFlag emojiMJV_TriorderPattern emoji

MJV_2 emoji WORLD : Jimmy carter, the former president of USA dies at age of 100 at late December 2024.

MJV_3 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Bahreyn discord server which was owned by Myth was nuked by Akarian.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, IC0C VW, Phase Ultima’s Viewers war, Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation, Federica, F.R of Momdnineland, Shoebill Syndicacy, Catato's workshop, Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout

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Written by 2 - Public on Dec 29, 2024
last minute

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Written by 2 - Public [read bio] on Dec 29, 2024



MJV_1 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : StillChill wins the Viewers war fest of 2024!

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, IC0C VW, Phase Ultima’s Viewers war, Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation, Federica, F.R of Momdnineland, Shoebill Syndicacy, Catato's workshop, Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout

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Written by 2 - Public on Dec 26, 2024
MJV_3 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Camramia has joined Triorder Federation to take care of its server incase Camram gets disabled again.

MJV_4 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Angry rating gaming wins the December 2024 tournament in Lorenbole Triorder federation, congratulations to its first victory! January 2025 tournament will be hosted in Rating Gaming federation.

For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, IC0C VW, Phase Ultima’s Viewers war, Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation, Federica, F.R of Momdnineland, Shoebill Syndicacy, Catato's workshop, Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout

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Written by 2 - Public [read bio] on Dec 26, 2024



MJV_1 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Sagittarius_X has quitted discord

MJV_2 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : On December 2024 tournament at Lorenbole Triorder federation, Vizterel loses to Aziz and we got the grand finals, Aziz VS Angry rating gaming. But things has went controversial since Aziz apparently found this unfair that ARG was winning so Aziz had to start drama with ARG. Situation was becoming seriously tense to the point IC0C decided to end the poll and give the tournaments victory to ARG. Aziz was furious that decided to nuke whoever voted for ARG, for example Alialhamzi. Threatened to doxx and nuked his server. In response, RGF leaves SSY as a memberstate, and Triorder Federation is now under lockdown temporarily. Triorder federation could leave SSY aswell. Aziz later announced that SSY will be fully transferred to Myth, Aziz will be leaving the community after the viewers war fest ends which is at December 30.

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Written by 2 - Public [read bio] on Dec 24, 2024


MJV_RainbowArrow emoji 2024.12.24

MJV_1 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : The viewers war fest of 2024 is officially happening. All of the participants which is Aziz hassan, IC0C, StillChill, RealKedah, Mijovo_Games, Antares, Epik_evv, Catato, Phase Ultima and Smile rating gaming are now confirmed to be ready. Viewers war fest of 2024 will take place in Boudroholm at Triorder Federation. The timetables would be in the trailers description :

MJV_2 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Sagittarius_X attempted to use raiding/klan community members to launch an attack on VW community but Aziz hassan convinced them to turn against Sagittarius_X. Few hours later, Sagittarius_X has been enslaved by the klan community, which is now her new home.

MJV_3 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Camram was recently disabled on discord for being reported by karscool.

MJV_4 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : On the Lorenbole Triorder federation tournament, ARG is to the final! Now we have, Vizterel VS Aziz Hassan.


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, IC0C VW, Phase Ultima’s Viewers war, Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation, Federica, F.R of Momdnineland, Shoebill Syndicacy, Catato's workshop, Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout**

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Written by 2 - Public [read bio] on Dec 21, 2024


MJV_RainbowArrow emoji 2024.12.21'

MJV_1 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Angry rating gaming is now the 7th to be qualified for the Viewers war fest of 2024. Now whats remaining is Catato, Kedah and StillChill.

MJV_2 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : There has been some toxx attempt on RGF by Sagittarius_X.

MJV_3 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Youssef is sending ip grabbers to anybody so please do not fall for it.

MJV_4 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : On the Lorenbole Triorder federation tournament, Vizterel wins Round 3 at Quarter C against Mijovo 2-12! Round 3 Quarter D started yesterday and now we have Aziz Hassan VS Napstamelon.


For you who are reading this outside the server and want to get informed on your server by following server annoucements, You need to get Level 10 in Triorder Mijovia Boudroholm. join here : [verification required]
For you who are not subscribed and reading this in discord, subscribe :

Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, IC0C VW, Phase Ultima’s Viewers war, Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation, Federica, F.R of Momdnineland, Shoebill Syndicacy, Catato's workshop, Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout**

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Written by 2 - Public [read bio] on Dec 18, 2024


MJV_RainbowArrow emoji 2024.12.18

MJV_1 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : The diddy party has won the elections for the Triorder government! The Unificationist party has won the elections for the Mijovian government!

MJV_2 emoji FORTNITE : Skibidi toilet is coming to fortnite

MJV_3 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Epik_evv has been qualified for the Viewers war fest of 2024.

MJV_4 emoji VIEWERS WAR COMMUNITY : Maikyland discord server has been nuked. This time by Agorahills, Myth, and Antares.


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Servers that support MGTVNews media on discord : Triorder Federation, Earferana Chornicles, Epik_evv’s basement, StillChillea, Rating Gaming Federation, IC0C VW, Phase Ultima’s Viewers war, Streamyard Bombing and trolling corporation, Federica, F.R of Momdnineland, Shoebill Syndicacy, Catato's workshop, Vizterels Crackhouse and Bamber rating gaming the goat hangout

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